AWT Essaouira day two
In Marocco, all’AWT Essaouira Moulay Bouzerktoune, i giochi si fanno interessanti: nel day 2 di gara messo in bacheca il primo tabellone Amatori e Master (i vincitori saranno “incoronati” oggi) è iniziata la gara dei Pro con la formula del dingle elimination.
Vento da 4,0 che andava e veniva, onde belle incasinate… ma i nostri due ragazzi in gara, Matteo Spanu e Francesco Cappuzzo sono riusciti ad approdare ai quarti di finale.
Il tabellone andrà avanti oggi, sperando che le condizioni di vento e onda si… “affinino”!
Day two of AWT Essaouira saw the Amateur and Masters champions crowned, whilst the Pro riders got through the first two rounds of action-packed competition.
As soon as the wind and waves filled in this morning it was straight on with the remaining rounds of the Amateur competition. It came down to a final with Masnada, Allereau, Vincent and Mehdi with backloops, pushloops and even a double forward attempt in the final.
The top four results of the Amateurs and Masters will be announced tomorrow morning, but click to check out the Amateur bracket and the Pro bracket so far.
It was then onto the Pro bracket, which started late in the afternoon, getting through the first two rounds of competition. The level of jumping of the Moroccan riders has impressed so far, as has the riding style of Edvan Souza, a well-known high-level jumper. These guys will certainly challenge the usual AWT favourites as we get towards the sharper end of the draw.
We have the Skipper’s meeting scheduled for 11:00 and will continue with the Pro contest as soon as the conditions come through.
Check out the full gallery of photos from today on the AWT Facebook page here and stay tuned for more updates.