
Morocco Spot X Day 7/8

Nel fine settimana si è conclusa la tappa dell’IWT a Moulay, con un double elimination disputato in condizioni di vento leggero e onda piccola, ma sempre abbastanza per portare a termine la gara, che alla fine ha riservato diverse sorprese.

Andando molto velocemente… nella categoria Pro, tra le ragazze ha vinto Tatiana Howard, che in una semifinale con diversi dubbi di valutazione ha avuto la meglio sulla nostra Annamaria Zollet, ma che ha legittimato la vittoria finale, battendo due volte Sarah Hauser che si era aggiudicato il single.
Tra gli uomini il vincitore del single, Kevin Pritchard ha aspettato che il “padrone di casa” Bouijmaa Guilloul si sbarazzasse degli avversari… e poi l’americano si è fatto battere due volte dall’idolo locale che si è portata a casa la vittoria finale.

Photos © IWT/Si Crowther
More info sul double elimination clicca qui

Ed ora video e intervista a Soufain Sahil che ha impressionato i giudici con il suo mix di surfate e salti durante il single elimination.

Soufian Sahli from Annamaria Zollet on Vimeo.

Soufian Sahli is a great example of the amazing potential that exists in Morocco. He made it to the finals of the single elimination in the Pro division and left a big impression on the judges that day. We stopped by Bouj X Sports (Boujmaa’s windsurf center, where Soufian works) in Moulay and asked him a couple questions.

Soufian, how did you start windsurfing?

I started with my friends Fetta Lamara and Boujmaa Guilloul 12 years ago. I was 16 years old. Boujmaa and Fetta were partners of Bouj Windsurf Adventure and I was working with them. Tourists would come here and leave a mast or a board. That’s how I was getting equipment, but here in Moulay it’s a wave sailing spot so you break gear. Boujmaa, who already had sponsors, has always helped me. Otherwise I would not have been able to continue.

What does windsurfing represent for you?
I feel good when I am in the water, when I sail I feel good energy. I don’t know how to explain it. I just love it and I never want to stop.

What can you tell to people who are hesitant to come sail in Morocco?
I would tell them not to hesitate because here we have really good conditions. For jumping and surfing. We have a good spot.Yes there are a few rocks but it’s not the most dangerous, they are actually really flat. I know a lot of people say “Moulay, be careful with the rocks!” but it’s really not that bad. It’s a great place to improve and attack the waves.

What is your favorite move?
The cheese roll backloop because it’s a rotation that is completely different than anything else. You turn in every direction. I hope I will land it soon! The move that I prefer to land is the cheese roll planing, I love the sensation it gives me.

Do you have sponsors ?

Right now I use the sails and the masts that Boujmaa lends me, and for boards Sailboard Tarifa shapes custom boards for me.

How did it go for you during the competition?
I am really happy because I went all the way to the finals. There were some really strong and stylish riders like Russ Faurot, Julien Taboulet, Federico Morisio. I’m so happy I made it against those guys.

Have you done some windsurf trips before?
I’ve been to Cape Verde and to the south of France with Boujmaa. I hope I will be able to go to Hawaii for the Aloha Classic this year if I find enough support. It will be my first time there. It has been one of my dreams to go there, to ride those waves, to see how it is. Boujmaa told me so many stories about Maui. I really hope I will be able to go there with him.