
GA Vapor 2019 coming soon!

Gaastra annuncia ufficialmente che le vele da slalom Vapor sono in produzione e quasi pronte per arrivare tra le mani dei riders più agguerriti nei primi giorni dell’anno nuovo. Alcuni giorni fa vi avevamo proposto dal nostro sito l’intervista che Jamie Hancock  aveva fatto al velaio Peter Munzlinger proprio incentrata sulle Vapor 2019 e le racing sails di GA. L’intervista in Italiano la trovate solo qui, sotto trovate invece l’annucio ufficiale in Inglese.


We are very happy to announce that the brand-new Vapor 2019 sails are in production and almost ready to accelerate your and your customers’ windsurfing. Peter Munzlinger and the team around Cedric Bordes and Ross Williams invested a lot of time and effort into this sail to achieve a light feeling in the hand, impressive acceleration and extra top speed.
Peter Munzlinger and the team around Cedric Bordes and Ross Williams invested a lot of time and effort into this sail to achieve a light feeling in the hand, impressive acceleration and extra top speed.


Peter and the team worked a lot on the Vapor’s pointing ability, power and acceleration and came up with a concept that reacts quickly to every small gust and accelerates superbly, which transmits into extra top speed. The sail remains very stable in on/off conditions and does not lose speed, while always remaining very light in the hands. We introduced two major innovative features into the Vapor, which helped us to increase the performance and ease of use in all conditions.
Parallel Batten Concept
The main center battens, except the top and the foot battens, are aligned parallel to each other and at a regular distance. While the top and foot battens support the exposed areas, the center battens create a skeleton, which supports the sail more evenly and balanced in the sail body. With more equal and controlled transitions from one batten to the next, the twist and sail behavior becomes much smoother.
New Cross Batten
We introduce a new clew configuration with the New Cross Batten, which is a powerful Cross Batten concept. With a similar luff length the outline becomes more vertically elongated, resulting in better aerodynamics, a smoother twist pattern and especially efficiency, which provides a very light feeling in your hands.

Make sure you belong to the first in the world to lay hands on our racing engine, the 2019 GA Sails Vapor. Beginning of December, the first sails are going be finished at the factory and beginning of January, they are going to arrive at New Sports. Place your order now and be impressed by the Vapor’s astonishing performance.
Best regards,
Your Gaastra team – White Reef italia