Sylt 2020… bye, bye!

Notizia di ieri… causa problematiche legate alla crisi del e post Covid-19, il calendario PWA 2020 perde un’altro pezzo. E si tratta di un pezzo” da 90… una della tappa più ricche del circuito, la Mercedes-Benz PWA World Cup di Sylt che a questo punto rivedremo, se tutto va bene, nel 2021!
Al momento del PWA Tour 2020 rimangono in calendario solo sette tappe…

Dear Friends
Amid the continuing issues created for sporting events around the world by the COVID-19 virus, the organisers of the Mercedes-Benz PWA World Cup Sylt have taken the decision to cancel the 2020 edition and apply all resources to the 2021 event which will take place in the same period as usual.
This is a sad loss to the tour and we will miss visiting this historic windsurf location, but we all understand the realities of the circumstances we find ourselves in this year, and look forward to being able to return to Sylt in 2021.

You can read further information on the organisers Facebook page

We will bring you further news regarding PWA events as soon as we have it.

Kind regards